Spring Cleaning Tips to Boost Engagement on Social Media

3 pink and white tulips across white mac keyboard

As the daffodils start to peek up after the longest of winters. I wonder if there is a metaphor there for your business and its digital presence too?

In 2021 could your organisation also have the fresh new shoots of a blooming digital marketing strategy? Now is the perfect time to go over your digital profiles and social media.  

Have a clear-out, a little spruce up, check that everything is spic and span.

Here are a few excellent pointers to help you dust off your socials and put a spring back into your digital step. Duco Digital was awarded the best social media marketing firm in the North East  2020 by SME News. We are always here to help you and share our knowledge.

How are your profiles?

  • This is a great time to give those profiles a little dust off and freshen up:

  • Are they up to date? Maybe your opening hours changed?  Or what's the best way to contact you now? Perhaps your organisation's offer has completely changed because of covid?

  • Make sure you have fully updated this online. Sounds obvious, but it's worth checking that your message is clear, in date and consistent across all of your profiles.  

  • Have you checked that your info is correct on google my business?  Ensure all the vital information is current and up to date. If it Is difficult for your audience to find you, Your ideal customer may move on to the next provider.

How’s the headshot?

  • Is it really the right look for your brand? Does it serve your organisation well? For example, if you are selling bathroom taps, maybe your favourite football teams logo as a header or avatar is irrelevant.

  • Equally, if you are an important part of what you are offering, a clear, friendly and trust worth headshot will serve you well. It's a good idea to use the same image across all social media platforms to aid recognition and build clear brand awareness.

Make sure your website is linked to all your profiles.

  • Check the links still work.

  • Make sure you have SEO’d your bio. Does it need updating a little?

  • Do you know your audience? Most importantly, are you connected?

Are you being seen in all the right places? 

  • Different social media platforms have different audiences. Do you know who your audience is? Most importantly, are you connected? Maybe your audience has migrated slightly? Now is a good time to check.

  • Ensure you are active and participating, commenting on others posts, and sharing content that will be of interest to your audience.

Have a look at the hashtags your using recently?

  • Are the hashtags that you are using serving you well? Is the right audience able to find you? Do you know what the relevant trends in your field are? Have you had a good look at what your competitors are doing lately?

  • Spending some time doing this research now will bring new life to your organic growth.

Do you have a consistent posting plan in place?

  • Your audience starts a relationship of trust with your brand, and that starts on social media. For the audience, that begins by trusting that you will show up and post content useful to them.

  • It’s often recommended within the social media industry that you post to social media at least three times a week and supplement these feed posts with stories and retweets.
    Then you should consider live events and reels and video, as it can all become a bit overwhelming and a full-time job in itself.

Is it better to create a social media strategy that you can consistently apply well? 

  • It’s vital for your digital growth and the individual following your account that you respond to your audience and engage in a meaningful way. Spend some time this spring deciding what this means for your organisation. How will you plan time and resources?

  • The more you post, the more you can serve your audience with what they need. You are useful to your people. They will continue to be interested in what you have to say and follow you for all the right reasons.

  • Effective, clear communication is far more desirable to your followers than spam.

  • Smart digital marketing strategies will include some time to look at your analytics.
    What posts worked well? When and where were they best received, and what did you do to get you the desired results? Look at what worked so you can do more of that.

Moving forward

If you have found this helpful, let us know, and if we can help you with any aspects of your digital marketing strategy, Click here to Book a free 20-minute appointment. We would be happy to discuss how we can help you invigorate your business with a fresh new digital strategy.


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