How to Increase Your Organic Reach on Google


When it comes to Google, everyone wants to be on the first page, as 75% of people don’t look at page two onwards. Here are three steps you can take to improve your organic reach and page ranking on Google.

Identify your keywords 

It’s important that you identify keywords that are relevant to your sector. For example, if you own a business selling watches in the North East of England, your keywords will be based around watches. For example, a phrase people may search for could be ‘watches north east’. Your keywords should then be part of your meta titles and descriptions, and should also be part of your website copy.

Keyword research can take some time but it will improve your organic reach on Google and increase traffic to your website.

Optimise your pages

Optimising your pages is also key in improving your organic reach on Google. One of Google’s main ranking criteria is page speed, and if your pages take a long time to load, this will naturally make your website rank lower. According to Neil Patel, “If you want to have a shot at ranking on the first page of Google, your site needs to load in under three seconds.”

When optimising your pages, you could look at removing video files that are hosted directly on the website, and instead upload to a site such as a YouTube or Vimeo, and then embed the video on your site, this way when your page loads, it doesn’t need to load then entire video file as it’s being hosted on an external site.

Another way you could optimise your pages, is by reducing the file size of individual images to under 500kb.

You can check the speed of your website by visiting:

Content is Key

When placing content on your website, you should look at ensuring the content covers the topic of the web page in enough detail and look at making sure all of your content is, Entertaining, Educational and Engaging.

You can make your content Entertaining, by providing a little bit of personality in the content, make a little bit humorous, but give the user an experience that they enjoy.

Giving tutorials on some products or services users may not know how to use or implement or giving them details about products they may not know can make your content educational, as they can come away from your site learning something new that they didn’t previously know.

When making engaging content, you can, include videos, videos are great for engagement as you can talk to the user through the video. Within your content on a webpage, you can also ask the user questions, this is also engaging as it gets them to think and they may respond to the question.


There’s 3 ways you can improve your organic search reach on Google. If you have any more tips leave them in the comments below, and if you need a website that ranks high on Google call 01642 777996.


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