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5 Reasons Agencies Adopt Marketing Automation

The demand for digital marketing services has skyrocketed in recent years as more businesses – B2B and B2C – have shifted marketing spend away from traditional tactics. Enter marketing automation and 5 unique ways agencies can use it to earn new business and expand revenue.

1. Capture New Clients Interested in Services Your Agency Already Provides

If your agency isn’t using marketing automation, then you’re missing out on tremendous opportunities to capture for growth. According to the 2018 Mirren New Business Tools Report, only 37% of agencies are currently using marketing automation tools to drive new business.

2. Add Marketing Automation to Your List of Agency Offerings

Many companies are looking to adopt marketing automation, but they don’t know where to start. Guess who they’re turning to for help? Becoming a marketing automation expert opens the door to a high-demand discipline that your clients want and need. And the technology is a natural fit for augmenting services that your agency already does best.

3. Increase Monthly Recurring Revenue

Adding marketing automation to your list of offerings can help you grow your agency by changing the dynamic with clients to shift away from unpredictable project work to more retainer-based relationships. You’ll also create entirely new revenue streams related to:

• License fees

• Implementation

• Platform management

• Support

Additionally, clients will have an increased need for related marketing services – from email and landing page creation, to the development of complex multitouch campaigns and lead nurturing programs.

4. Deliver Measurable Results

Marketing automation gives you tools to demonstrate the value of all of the services you’re providing clients. Comprehensive analytics and reporting allow you to show true end-to-end ROI of their programs and show how you’re directly impacting their sales and revenue.

5. Build Higher-Value Relationships

By improving clients’ results – and being able to prove it – marketing automation allows your agency to become an integrated, indispensable partner – increasing both revenue per client and retention.

Thinking about using Marketing Automation within your agency or marketing? Talk to us directly to see how our SharpSpring Marketing Automation platform can help you.