4 Tips for Better Pinterest Marketing


Your Guide to Better Pinterest Marketing in 2021

Pinterest can be the key to reaching marketing goals for many small businesses. Consumers come to Pinterest looking for interesting content that will inspire and teach them new things. This means that engagement is very high, so it can be the perfect channel for making sure your brand messaging lands.

Hiring a Pinterest advertising agency such as New York’s best digital marketing agency Taktical or award-winning social UK social media agency Duco Digital can help you get the most from the platform, but it might not be an option for every business. Fortunately, there are things you can do to create effective Pinterest marketing strategies on your own. 

Check out this guide to better Pinterest marketing in 2021 from IIan Nass, Chief Strategist of Taktical and Darren Winter, Director of Duco Digital.

Find the Right Keywords

IIan says using keywords on Pinterest is as important in 2021 as it has ever been. People have to be able to find your content if you are going to have success with Pinterest marketing. That means you want your pins to come up when users search for topics that are relevant to your brand. To do this, you will need to use the right keywords.

If you have already worked on keywords for SEO, you will be familiar with the concept. You will need to use words and phrases that people will search when they are looking for topics that are relevant to your products or business. Perform keyword research and start planning Pinterest content that will allow you to use the right keywords.

Manage Your Boards

The conventional wisdom has been that it is good to have a lot of boards on your Pinterest account. In 2021, Darren adds, you want to be more focused with your Pinterest boards. If you are creating compelling content, people will visit your profile. If you have too many boards, it could distract from your marketing mission.

Put your boards together in a way that is strategic. When customers see your boards, you want them to be focused on the mission of your Pinterest marketing strategy. 

Instead of just pinning anything that seems interesting or cool, create boards that will further your aims. If it isn’t connected to your brand or your goals, it shouldn’t be there. You don’t want visitors to get distracted with content that is not going to move them closer to a purchase or direct them to your website.

Attractive Pins

You need to create attractive pins if you want to have success with Pinterest marketing. The content and the link are important, but the pin is what first catches a user’s attention. If it isn’t attractive or compelling, they might not notice and they won’t click.

IIan says make sure to use high-quality images that will capture the attention of Pinterest users. Give the pin a title that not only grabs attention but also gives the user an idea of what to expect when they click. Create a compelling description and try to use at least one of your keywords. 

Track the Right Metrics

The competition for Pinterest marketing is growing says Darren. If you are going to keep up, you need to do what you can to improve your campaigns. For 2021 and beyond, you need to pay attention to the right metrics and use the data to refine your strategy.

Pinterest analytics can offer all sorts of insights that can help you improve your campaigns. Track things like clicks, saves, top pins and impressions to refine your Pinterest marketing. With a little bit of effort, you will be able to find the content that offers the best results while also improving on pin designs and other elements of your campaigns.

Pinterest has a lot of potential for boosting your marketing efforts in 2021. With this guide, you should be able to improve your reach and build on the success of earlier campaigns. However, continued success does require continued effort. That is why so many businesses hire professionals to handle their Pinterest advertising.


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